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"Hungry" is no way to live.

Every day The Salvation Army helps cure hunger by providing nutritious meals to neighbors in need.

17.4 million families go to bed hungry each night in the U.S. And an additional 6.9 million families face very low daily food security - that means they don't always know where their next meal is coming from.

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The Salvation Army feeds an average of 26,128 meals every year in Greeley.

These meals are served to anyone in need this includes homeless people of all ages, as well as individuals and families who may be down on their luck and in need of a helping hand. In addition to addressing the immediate symptoms of food insecurity, our programs are designed to help identify and treat its root cause. This approach focuses on meeting the physical, mental and spiritual needs of each person and helps move many from hungry to fully healed.

Each year The Salvation Army provides meals to those who are facing the threat of food insecurity.

Food Pantries
By offering access to free, fresh produce and canned goods, we provide valuable meal supplementation while helping those in need maintain their independence and dignity. 

In Greeley, we also offer needed hygiene items, toilet paper, emergency diapers and wipes when available.

Food Box Distribution: Monday - Friday,  9am - 2pm 

We are offering our food box service 5 days a week.

If you are in need please visit our Corps to collect a food box. 

The Salvation Army Greeley Corps

1119 - 6th St. Greeley, CO 80631

Meal Programs
Many families and individuals facing poverty often must make the painful choice heating and eating - that is, they must decide whether they'll pay their bills or pay for food. Without sufficient funds, many are forced to go without a warm, nutritious meal in order to keep a roof over their head. From sit-down meals that provide nutritious food and valuable human interaction, to mobile meals that deliver much-needed sustenance to those who cannot reach a food distribution center, we ensure that the most vulnerable members of society do not go hungry. 

Our feeding program will be Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM year round. At this point we will not be offering a sit down meal.

We will also be offering a continental breakfast (coffee & Donuts) Mondays & Fridays (Only) 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM

Other Ways We Meet Needs